The difference between your dream and your life now is action!

Jul 17, 2018

At the end of their lives people look back with disappointment and feelings of regret. Disappointed about the things they didn't do and the dreams they didn't go after. Regrets about working so hard at the expense of spending time with the people they love. Frustrated because they didn't have the real courage to live life at their own terms, not someone else's.

How often are you present, really present, for the people you love deeply? How much time do you spend doing the things you love so much? Are you making your dreams come true or have you put them aside for maybe never? Taking the risk, that you too will look back at the end of your time and say to yourself: "If only I did..." But then it will be too late to change it.

The difference between your dream and your real life is ACTION!. it doesn't matter how big or how small your dream is. If you do nothing about it, it will stay a dream forever and it will never become your reality. You can daydream about: "What if..." You can write down all your dreams on a bucket list to achieve some day. Without taking action, nothing will change in your life.

But if you take action, you will find that any dream, your dream, is so closer than you think. Big or small, crazy or risky, unimaginable or emotionally impossible. Once you step into action, you can make every dream come true.

As Walt Disney once said: "If you can dream it, you can do it!" And he was so right. People ridiculed him when he invented Mickey Mouse and developed the first what we nog call animated movie. The rest is history and even after his death he keeps inspiring millions of children and grown ups. An so can you, whatever your dream is. Nothing is impossible.

Sounds nice you might think: "but how do i realize my dream if I have to pay my mortgage every month and provide for my family?" And before you know it your dream goes back to Neverland and you go on living in Victimland.

I believe that a happy and fulfilled life is our birthright. And that we can feel grateful and happy even in bad circumstances. I also believe that is our moral duty to contribute to the happiness of others.

During my 20 years of being a student and teacher of A Lifetime Of Happiness I have learned that any dream can come true, if you take action towards your dream. You don't even need a detailed plan to make it happen. Just take the first step and let your dream unfold itself step by step. 

Want to know how to dust off your dreams and make them happen? Ready to take the first step? Check this page and take action right away!





PS: Have you been thinking of Happiness and how to stop surviving and start living a joyful and vibrant life? Take the first step now by downloading our free E-Book: 8 Keys to Happiness.

PPS: We live the ALOHA spirit of joyfully sharing life energy fully in the present. It is a way of living and treating each other with love and respect. Its deep meaning starts by teaching ourselves to love our own beings first and from there spread the love to others. We create the space for you to live a happy and fulfilling life and contribute to the happiness of others. Help us to pay it forward! Join our Tribe for free on Facebook. Join The ALOHA Tribe Now.

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